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TNR Trap Neuter Return Feral Cat Advocate Cat Lover Tシャツ
【商品名】TNR Trap Neuter Return Feral Cat Advocate Cat Lover Tシャツ 素材構成: 杢グレー: 80% 綿 20% ポリエステル; その他のカラー: 100% 綿 TNR Trap Neuter Return Feral Cat Awareness - help build awareness in your community regarding programs to assist feral cats. Countless people all over the world selflessly donate hours of time and also funds to help feral cats. TNR - Trap Neuter and Return - helps the feral cat community from over population. Wonderful for cat rescue groups and those who spend time practicing TNR. Great item for TNR silent auction and benefit events too plus adoption day events.
- 商品価格:4,640円
- レビュー件数:0件
- レビュー平均:0